Newport Transport has highlighted its commitment to supporting staff and the public this Mental Health Awareness Week.

Mental Health Awareness Week takes place between May 13-19, and the company is focusing on culture and change, aiming to create a beneficial environment for everyone.

Plans include improving awareness of mental health issues and providing resources to those impacted by them.

The introduction of a brand new Employee Assistance Programme, UNUM, marks a significant step towards this goal.

This programme offers round-the-clock support to staff members grappling with physical or mental health challenges.

In partnership with Newport Mind and thanks to the efforts of training coordinator Lisa, the company now boasts nine fully qualified mental health first aiders spread across all departments.

These qualified professionals are ready to assist both staff and passengers should they require help.

In addition, Newport Transport advises anyone struggling with mental health to utilise the free online service named Melo.

This resource provides information, advice, and self-help tools to aid in managing mental health and wellbeing.

The initiative underlines Newport Transport's dedication to nurturing the mental health of not only its employees but also the wider community it serves.