A GWENT chippy recently named the best fish and chip shop in the UK is to open a pop up shop in Japan.

Dreams really do come true as family run Ship Deck in Trethomas took home the Takeaway of the Year prize at the National Fish and Chip Awards in February 2024.

Owned by Ryan and Kimberley Hughes, the popular chippy opened in 2019 and has gone from strength to strength since.

South Wales Argus: Ship Deck won Takeaway of the Year prize at the National Fish and Chip AwardsShip Deck won Takeaway of the Year prize at the National Fish and Chip Awards (Image: Ship Deck)

Mr Hughes said they were "proud to bring the award back to Caerphilly" and thanked his "amazing team."

He said: “We’re only a small village shop and this is something we have wanted for such a long time. We are so proud to bring the award back to Caerphilly with us.

“We couldn’t do this without our amazing team or customers and can’t thank them enough.”

South Wales Argus: Owners Ryan and Kimberley HughesOwners Ryan and Kimberley Hughes (Image: Newsquest)

Now the chippy is preparing to take their award winning produce overseas to Japan later this year.

Yukiya and Keiiji have invited the couple to showcase their mouth watering food at the Japan British Fair.

Ship Deck will open a pop up shop in Fukuoka from October 1 to 6 and in Hankya department store in Osaka from October 9 to 15.

South Wales Argus: Kimberley, Ryan, Yukiya and Keiiji Kimberley, Ryan, Yukiya and Keiiji (Image: Ship Deck)

Speaking to the Argus, Ryan and Kimberley Hughes said: "It’s been crazy since we won which has been fantastic.

"We have been invited to showcase our award winning British fish and chips in the Japan British Fair.

"We will be setting up a pop up Ship deck in Fukuoka and then onto Hankya department store in Osaka.

South Wales Argus: The Ship Deck team: Gerry, Ryan, Kimberley, Jackie and GavinThe Ship Deck team: Gerry, Ryan, Kimberley, Jackie and Gavin (Image: Newsquest)

"Every year the fair showcases the very best British delicacies the UK has to offer and we are making the 6,000 mile journey worth while - to take our products, ethos and passion over to the other side of the world in October.

"We’re currently in the planning now to organise our products to be shipped over.

"Yukiya and Keiiji have been amazing, and will support us through our Japan journey."