AS PEOPLE start to think about their summer getaways as lockdown restrictions ease, dog owners will be aware that travelling is not always plane sailing.

Some dogs are unfazed by long journeys, however for others it can be a rough ride.

With 84 per cent of Brits considering a staycation this year, our dogs will be spending more time than ever in cars up and down the country.

In response to this, experts at Canine Cottages have shared seven dog-friendly tips to ensure your furry friend can travel in comfort this year.

Shannon Keary, digital PR manager at Canine Cottages said: “With international travel still uncertain, more and more people will be embarking on long UK-wide journeys with their furry friends this year.

“Travelling with dogs can be a stressful time, with many dogs anxious or uncomfortable while in the car.


“We hope these dog-friendly travel tips will help anyone looking to take their dog on holiday know how to keep their pooches safe and sound while travelling.”

Seven pooch-friendly travel tips for your 2021 summer getaway

Do your research

Before taking your dog away, it’s important to do your research on the area you’re thinking of visiting.

It’s a good idea to check out dog-friendly attractions, pubs, and events before your trip and discover which walks and activities you’d like to do once you get there. This way, you avoid any nasty surprises of visiting places that don’t allow dogs!

Be prepared

It’s always best to be prepared in case the worse happens while you’re away. Having pet insurance is the best way to ensure you’re covered if anything happens to your pet while you’re away, and it’s a good idea to scope out where the nearest vet office is too just in case.

Secure your dog when driving

Many people let their dog roam freely in the car, but having a crate, harness, or guard for your dog to sit in comfortably will make the long journey safer and more comfortable for you and your pet.

Not only that, but it can also help stop your dog distracting you while driving – or worse, escaping to sit with you while at the wheel!

Stop for frequent breaks

Just like us, dogs need to have breaks during long journeys too. Make sure you take frequent stops every few hours so your dog can have a bathroom break and stretch their legs – it may even help them sleep while in the car. Just remember to keep them on a lead when stopping for a break.

Never leave your dog alone

Perhaps one of the most important rules when travelling, make sure you never leave your dog alone in the car.

Even with a window cracked open, cars become extremely hot in the summer, and it can take just 15 minutes for a dog to suffer a fatal heatstroke.

In cooler months, leaving your dog alone can leave them vulnerable to theft, so never leave them unaccompanied.

Take plenty of water and treats

Having fresh water during the journey is essential for your dog to keep them hydrated, so make sure you’re giving them some during your breaks.

If you are travelling for many hours, make sure you have food to hand, and reward your dog with treats if they’re being good too.

Help them relax

Being in a new environment can be stressful for dogs, so certain things like sticking to the same feeding and walking routine as you have at home can really help your dog relax while away from home.

Make sure you’re giving your dog plenty of love and cuddles will also help them relax in the unfamiliar environment.