Women Who Work in Fieldsports (WWWF) will host an event featuring Tiggy Pettifer in Abergavenny.

The In Conversation and Networking evening will be held on June 27.

Ms Pettifer, head of fundraising and events at the Atlantic Salmon Trust, will share her career experiences, including challenges she has faced and her successes.

As a strong advocate for eliminating farmed salmon from our tables and a dedicated fisherwoman, Ms Pettifer will offer a unique perspective during the event.

Attendees can enjoy canapés and drinks on the evening.

Iona Campbell, co-founder of WWWF and event manager at the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, said: "There has been a call for WWWF to do an event in Wales for quite some time and we are delighted that we are heading to Abergavenny".

WWWF was established to create a supportive network for women working in fieldsports.

It recently started a podcast interviewing senior women from the sector and profiles of women offering role insights and advice.

Some of them include Paula Lester, Annika Purdey, and Susan Aubrey-Cound.

The event is free for WWWF members and tickets for non-members are £10 each.