Master horror writer Stephen King's gritty tale of a maximum security penitentiary in America is brought to the stage in this gripping adaptation.

The film of this story is one of the top rated movies ever made and, although naturally much less violent than the 1995 film, this production gives an idea of the reality of life in such an institution.
Shawshank Redemption tells the tale of a group of prisoners over 20 years in the jail, and how they cope with life inside and how common human decency can eventually prevail even here.

There are some superb performances given - Ian Kelsey is fantastic as Andy Dufresne, the inmate who plots and eventually succeeds in escaping through a hole behind his pin-up. 

While Patrick Robinson as Redding (Morgan Freeman in the film) gives an excellent performance as the prisoner who bonds with Dufresne over the years, and eventually has to come to terms with the problems of life outside the penitentiary.

Life after prison, and the inability of some inmates to cope with this, is also portrayed by Brooksie (Ian Barritt) who threatens to set himself on fire after discovering he will not be able to use a library once he is released. 

The harshness of the prison officers and some brutal scenes mean that this is not for the faint-hearted, but if you're a fan of either the film or the book, then it is certainly well worth a visit. 

The show runs until Saturday.