All eyes on the North Sea

Great news hourly anticipated

German disasters on land

25,000 Belgians defeat 40,000 invaders

Messages last night and early this morning indicate clearly that where the Germans least anticipated trouble they have encountered what cannot be regarded as otherwise than a severe check.

The Belgians despite such short time at their disposal to make preparations for repelling the German invasion have shown qualities of heroism and military resource greater than perhaps had been credited to them.

It is with a thrill that we read of the magnificent fight they put up against heavy numerical odds.

All day yesterday a desperate battle raged near Liege and whatever may be the outcome of the renewed onslaught by the Gemans the first great fight will ever shed lustre on Belgian arms.

The fighting began at 4.30am but throughout the long and sanguinary day nothing resembling success attended German efforts and at the close it was placed upon record that General Leinan had gained a complete victory.

Not a single German attack was driven home, time after time the hosts were repulsed and the Belgian assuming the offensive apparently eclipsed both in initiative and endurance their much vaunted opponents.

The coming naval battle In this country our speculations for the moment are entirely concerned with what may be happening in the North Sea and news of a great naval battle between British and German fleets may be expected at any moment.

Rumour was busy all day yesterday, immediately reliable news is to hand it will be published in the South Wales Argus.

Secrecy is being maintained as to the movements of the British fleet but a German squadron composed of 19 ships was signalled in the Baltic yesterday. German submarines have also been spotted at the southern outlet of Copenhagen. It is also stated that gunfire was distinctly heard at Dunbar and other places along the Firth of Forth yesterday.

Several messages from various sources state that the battle in the North Sea has already begun. The statement published yesterday that a German mine laying steamer had been sunk by the Amphion somewhere in the North Sea is correct.

Other facts Lord Kitchener is to be Secretary of State for War and it is felt that his unsurpassed powers of organisation will be invaluable. The prime minister announced yesterday that an appeal had been made by Belgium to Britain, France and Russia to co operate as guarantors in defence of her territory.

An important statement as to the measures taken by the government to ensure financial stability was made by Lloyd George, these included: The suspension of the Bank Act.

The issue of £1 and 10s note.

The making of postal orders legal tender and the extension of the moratorium.