WELSH Conservatives have urged Labour Ministers to set out a goal for the 2015 PISA tests, due to be taken in less than 12 months’ time.

Last month, Labour Ministers axed their 2015 target to get Wales into the top 20 of OECD nations.

Voters will find out if Labour has met its new PISA target of achieving at least 500 points in each subject in December 2022, a year after the 2021 tests.

The Tories say that if the 2021 target is met and other UK nations stand still, Wales will improve its ranking from the worst UK nation to the second worst.

Angela Burns AM, Shadow Minister for Education, said: “After 15 years of failure, Labour Ministers think they’ve kicked scrutiny of their mismanagement of the Welsh education system into the very long grass.

“Labour Ministers cannot write off another generation of young people and go into the 2015 PISA tests without any aspiration or targets.

“Like young people themselves, Labour Ministers should have ambitions for the Welsh education system and a clear goal to raise Wales’ performance.

“A vague target that will be judged in December 2022 is simply not good enough and gives this failing Labour Government the best part of a decade to drift along without any accountability.

“Labour Ministers must set a target for the 2015 PISA tests to raise Wales’ performance in basic skills and finally take some responsibility for their actions.”