If you had to be stuck in a lift with someone, who would it be and why?

Emmeline Pankhurst so I could thank her for persevering with her vision so women can vote today.

What is your biggest fear?

That society’s greed will out weigh its environmental conscious

Do you have any superstitions?

No, I believe we all make our own luck.

If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

If I had to choose I’d pick Imagine Dragons – It’s Time. It’s rhythm is up beat and I appreciate the meaning of the song.

What is the most expensive thing you’ve bought, not including property?

My car, like most people. I have a second hand Peugeot 206 which is perfect for my families needs.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve been given.

“Treat others as you’d like to be treated.” I think it’s a good place to start. I really can’t stand prejudice, stereotyping or bullying.

What is your indulgence?

This is a tough one, my camera. I’ve spent a fair amount of time learning how to use it and editing photos. I love to capture family outings with my children. I’m also the regular photographer at Pontypool parkrun.

What item could you not live without?

My mobile phone. I could live without it but in my mind it’s a must to be contactable by people from my ward.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Is it wrong to say nothing? No one is perfect but I like who I am. I went through my teens and 20’s changing myself. However I do feel that I’m always changing as I try to learn from each new experience.

Where are you next going on holiday?

I’m not, I haven’t been on holiday for a couple of years now as I can’t afford it at present. Thankfully there are plenty of free activities locally such as mountain walks, Big Pit and I love to bike too.