GEORGE Osborne assured us that house prices would tumble by 18 per cent. Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of England warn about a technical recession this year after Brexit. Before the referendum OECD tried to claim that a Leave vote would cause global turmoil. Didn’t the same people predict a similar downfall to Scotland if it became independent. How can the people trust these politicians, special advisers and experts on their advice?
Both Leave and Remain campaigns used project fear, just as the Remain campaign in Scotland fed the people with the same fears. When the UK gets a deal with the EU should the people blindly accept it from their politicians? Or have a ratification referendum, so that the people of the UK can formally rubber stamp it. The people trusted to get the UK out of Europe, so why not trust the people with the country’s direction. Or does the leaver think the people can’t be trusted. That way any future blame doesn’t fall fully on the politicians.

Andrew Nutt
Heolddu Road