IN JUNE 2016, the United Nations Committee on economic, social and cultural rights released a report stating that the British Tory led government austerity policy constitutes a human rights violation.

Austerity cuts to public and welfare services impact the must vulnerable groups in society whilst in contrast wealthier groups whose wellbeing is less reliant on government services, are sheltered from the cuts, thereby increasing social inequality and the power of financial and corporate elites. 

Austerity, an ideological driven programme, has failed to engineer the economic recovery that was promised. UK growth rates have remained low and public debt has nearly doubled!

Even the IMF (International Monetary Fund) has stated that budget cuts have exacerbated unemployment, generated considerable welfare costs, and increased inequality.

The work of pro-austerity academics such as Carmen Reinhart, Kenneth Rogoff and Alberto Alesina has been widely discredited by, for example, Nobel laureate Paul Krugman who has refused the case for austerity.

So, logically if we are to get rid of the Tory government’s anti-working class austerity programme we can vote for the main party that has an anti-austerity based manifesto and that means for Corbyn’s progressive and radical Labour party. 

Terry Banfield
Cardigan Crescent