FOLLOWING Bron Afon, Newport City Homes also takes a step towards privatisation of Newport’s housing stock. 

“Out of date rules.”

“Adoption of new rules which better suits the needs of the association.” 

(Not residents).

“A reduction in membership of the board from fifteen to up to twelve and to include co-optees in line with best practice of governance.” 

(Lower the membership the easier it is to pass contentious motions).

“The removal of constituencies or independent members, council nominees and tenant members replaced with a single status, skills based board membership.”

(We want your rate payers money but not ideas on how we should spend it).

“The removal of specific, weighted voting provision prescribed in the current rules of Newport city council.”

(Let’s get rid of the trouble makers, or those who still have social morals).

Inverted commas NCH wording, brackets my interpretation.

Newport’s housing stock was paid for and will continue to be so by the rate and tax payers of Newport. 

So please explain why they should not be voicing their opinion at minuted meetings.

Peter Walters