I AM really delighted that Welsh Government has announced there will be a new fund to support families with the cost of school uniform.

The new grant will enhance the support previously available by including Reception class children as well as Year 7 pupils on free school meals or are looked after children.

In addition to helping with the cost of school uniform, the new fund can also be used to help pay for school sports kit, uniform for wider activities e.g. scouts and guides, some school equipment for instance where new curriculum activities begin such as design and technology and equipment for out of school hours trips such as waterproofs for outdoor learning.

Welsh Government announced earlier this year that it was ending the previous scheme.

Since that announcement I have campaigned to ensure all pupils eligible under the old scheme to continue receiving support under the new scheme.

In the last five years, the school uniform grant has benefited 1,107 pupils in Torfaen — young people whose families would otherwise have struggled to afford school uniform.

The new Pupil Development Access Grant, which amounts to £1.7 million, will see grants of up to £125 available per learner, the previous school uniform grant of £105 was only available to Year 7 pupils on free school meals.

When the details of the new scheme were published I was particularly glad to see the funding would continue to be distributed via local authorities.

I had serious concerns about the money going directly to schools.

There is already a well-established delivery mechanism in place through local authorities, which families are familiar with.

Families are used to having discussions about the sensitive matter of family incomes with a larger, more anonymous body that is the local authority.

I would not want to see families having to go cap in hand to the school office to ensure that their kids have got the uniform they need to attend school.

I am also really pleased that Welsh Government is going to look to strengthen existing guidance to schools and governing bodies on school uniform – something I have also been calling for – to bring school uniform costs down for all families.

Too many schools still require parents to buy branded items from specialist suppliers which are much more expensive than items available in supermarkets.

The Welsh Government needs to tackle this urgently.