I am writing to express an opinion about freedom of speech. It is said that in the UK we have freedom of speech. I agree that this is so, but to exercise it can be costly.

For example, if I say that I think that homosexuality is not natural, I get branded as a homophobe. If I say that I think that the Bible and not the Koran has the truth, I get called an Islamaphobe. I looked up the definition of the word phobia It is an irrational fear of something or someone. I do not have an irrational fear of Muslims or homosexuals, so why is the word used in these cases?

When I speak out against uncontrolled immigration, I run the risk of being called a racist, and get lumped in with the BNP.

Now I don’t expect people to agree with what I say, and would accept others’ right to express their opinion. But the right for a person to say what they believe seems to be restricted, by fear.

John Gale, Crindau Road, Newport