ONCE again the unthinking mob of great oratory, Parliament, do not consider the consequences of their actions.

Remove bus passes for pensioners?

Why not? At least I shall be able to use my car for the greater congestion of traffic on all roads whereas at the moment I use the bus.

And I travel to some of the smaller places where I spend a little while and have a meal, which then helps the places that I visit financially.

There are charities I am a member of, which I wouldn’t be able to help because of the pressure on my income.

Many of the Eton Harrow crowd who I have met are great people, but there are undoubtedly some who have spent a great deal of time at these seats of learning and having matured and left have, through inheritance – sometimes millions – lived a life of luxury, maybe on their daddy’s yacht, and have not done a day’s work in their lives.

It is possible that there is a source of income tax to be raised through death duties excluding the family house to fund pensioners’ needs.

David Evans, Cleveland Drive, Risca