Dear Elector Can you remember a time when it has been so important to vote Conservative?

Labour has held power at the Welsh Assembly for the past eight years and despite telling us that they have improved public services, we now have an Ambulance Service in crisis; doctors and nurses cannot find work after they have qualified and hospitals are in so much debt that they cannot afford to employ staff.

There are now over 70,000 more people waiting for treatment than there were in 1999 (this is roughly half the entire population of Newport).

The police are struggling against crime. Our prisons are virtually full, whilst the asylum system is in chaos. Can you recall when you last saw a policeman on the beat in your neighbourhood?

It is a shameful fact that 170,000 children in Wales live in poverty; truancy rates have risen while teachers often feel let down in matters of discipline and are bogged down under ever-increasing reams of paperwork.

Newport deserves better. As a local Councillor and Leader of the Conservative Group on Newport City Council, I have seen for myself the failure that Labour has created. Average Council Tax bills have more than doubled since they came to power, yet we seem to receive less for our money.

At this election David Cameron and the Welsh Conservative Party will be putting forward positive policies that would give greater power to local communities, trusting our healthcare workers and teachers, supporting our voluntary groups and local businesses and protecting our environment. Policies that include :

  • Extra £40 million for schools
  • Extra £80 million to improve access to modern medicines
  • £100 each year to pensioner households to help with council tax bills
  • No top up fees in Wales for Welsh students
  • Low energy light bulbs for every household
  • Improved access to child care
  • More community wardens
  • Extra £64 million to help address the lack of affordable housing.

A full copy of our manifesto can be downloaded at

I do not pretend that I can solve all the problems or have the solutions to the challenges that we face today but what I will promise, if elected, is to do my very best and work hard for the people of Newport West.

It really is time for a change. Please stake your claim for a brighter future by voting Conservative on May 3rd.