THE NHS is facing one of the most significant challenges in its history as it endeavours to manage increasing demand with considerably less resources.

In Wales, we face the challenge of caring for an ageing population with chronic illness and complex needs.

Although high numbers of patients with chronic conditions can be attributed in part to greater life-expectancy, medical advances and improved survival rates, we must confront the reality that the NHS in Wales is increasingly treating patients with avoidable conditions, caused by unhealthy lifestyles.

High rates of obesity, smoking and alcohol consumption are placing significant pressure on NHS in Wales at a time when demand is higher than ever.

Smoking is the single greatest preventable cause of illness and disability in Wales.

Approximately 5,600 premature deaths and nearly 27,700 hospital admissions a year are caused by smoking, costing the Welsh NHS around £1 million per day.

It is clear that we need to adopt healthier lifestyle if we are to tackle the long-term societal and financial costs associated with avoidable ill health.

The Welsh Government has introduced a range of public health initiatives to support people to embrace healthier lifestyles including the Community Food Co-operative Programme, Change4life campaign and provision of stop smoking services in local communities across Wales.

The Welsh Government is also improving the health of the nation by legislating to make it easier for people to walk and cycle in Wales by increasing suitable routes and supporting measures to introduce plain packaging for tobacco products.

We rightly expect the NHS to be there for us in our time of need, but we must also ensure we each support the NHS by making sensible lifestyle choices that protect our health.

Individuals, families and communities across Wales must rise to the challenge if our NHS is to survive and thrive.