"DEMOCRACY is the worst form of government except for all the others...".

The memorable words of former Prime Minister Winston Churchill are as relevant now as they were half a century ago.

During the recent elections a number of people confessed to me to being more than a little bewildered by the array of ballot papers they were confronted with on entering the polling station.

As if the constituency ballot paper was not long enough in some areas, the regional election certainly caused some confusion, and that's without mentioning the dual-vote for the Police and Crime Commissioner election on the same day.

You can't blame the electorate for lamenting this level of complexity and that's why it's important that politicians like me do all we can to explain the system itself as well as the policies we hope to introduce.

On the subject of policies, can I thank all those of you who signed my Save Monmouthshire petition which was at the heart of my Assembly election campaign.

I'm pleased to say it looks as though the Welsh Government's ill-thought out plans to reorganise local government and abolish Monmouthshire have been rolled into the long grass at least for the time being. 

Rest assured I will be opposing any further abolition plans and supporting greater collaboration between local authorities - without forced mergers. We need to be strengthening local democracy, bringing government closer to the people not making it more distant.

I really hope the Fifth Assembly does more to support people including those with disabilities.

It was a pleasure to support Monmouth Blind Club during the election when they kindly organised a "blind walk" from the Monnow Bridge up Monnow Street. It really was an eye-opener (pardon the pun) to be blindfolded, given a white stick and chaperoned through the town. 

Suddenly, everyday features of the crowded street scene such as advertising "A" boards and coffee shop tables took on a whole new guise as I struggled to avoid them and negotiate a safe passage through the town.

Of course, I was fortunate enough to be able to remove my blindfold at the end of the walk but the experience has left me with a far better understanding of the challenges facing people with sight loss and the

need for us to keep some of the day to day obstacles to a minimum.