The Cabinet already in crisis at home

Chancellor’s warning

Serious situation in Ireland

Mr Lloyd George speaking at the bankers' dinner at the London guildhall said ‘It is no use concealing the fact and I should not be doing my duty if I were not to utter a solemn warning that the prospect of an equitable settlement of these dangerous disputes is darkened by the dispute in Ireland.

Should there be civil strife in that land when the industrial here is maturing the situation will be the gravest with which any Government in this country has had to deal for centuries. Of all parties we should strive for a reasonable accommodation and that is why all those who have at heart the welfare of their country and it’s people, must earnestly hope that every effort to sustain that object be crowned with success.

Ulster conference

Grave constitutional crisis

Meeting at Buckingham Palace

How far constitutional practice has been adhered to or departed from seems to be the question which is now agitating the public and it cannot be denied that in the rank and file of the Liberal party the feeling aroused by the premier’s statement in the House of Commons is not one of satisfaction.

There is manifest uneasiness and discontent and it is noteworthy that Mr Ginnell’s question ‘What precedent is there and what authority has the Prime Minister for advising the King to place himself at the head of a conspiracy to defeat the decision of this House’ is applauded and or what it signifies, endorsed.