Greek island occupied

French landing at Corfu

Montenegros plight

Attack on Salonika opened

IT IS RUMOURED that an attack against Salonika was initiated on Tuesday when the British positions in the Doiran zone were subjected to bombardment.

The “demonstration” may have become general by now. The attacking troops are stated to consist of Germans on the west (Monastir), Austrians, and Bulgarians in the central (Ghevgeli-Doiran) and Turks on the east (Xanti and Gumulgina).

Though there is no news from Montenegrin Headquarters, it is admitted at the Consulate in Rome that Mount Lovchen has been captured by the enemy. Fighting now continues round Cettinje, the Montenegrin capital, from which the archives have been removed.

The enemy have captured positions at Budna, on the coast; to the South West of the capital; at Orokovac, on the western frontier; and also on the northern frontier.

A French force has landed on the Greek island of Corfu. On this island stands the Achilleieon Palace, the property of the German Emperor, which, it is credibly stated, has been used as a petrol depot for German submarines. It will be remembered that on December 29 the French occupied the Greek island of Caterellorizo, near Rhodes.

The Allies have informed the Greek Government that the landing was necessary in order to provoke the Serbian Army reforming in Albama a secure base of supplies.

Vienna reports that the Russians have resumed their offensive in Bessarabia. Six times, it is said, the Russians tried to penetrate the Austrian lines, on all occasions were repulsed, with heavy loss.

The latest information from Petrograd reports no change in this theatre of the war. In the north there have been some minor engagements in Courland to the west of Riga, and on the Poniewitz-Dvinsk railway.

British Headquarters report that on Tuesday night a raid was carried out by our troops on the German trenches just of Armentieres. About 20 of the enemy were killed, a machine gun emplacement destroyed and two prisoners taken. The raiding party returned safely to our trenches.

Last night’s French official dispatch is reproduced elsewhere.

The German Main Headquarters report is a fairly lengthy one. After claiming the breakdown of a French attack on a thousand yards front to the north west of Le Mesnil, in Champagne, a very curious admission is made.

In the southern enceinte of Lille, says the report, an ammunition depot belonging to a pioneer works and accommodated in one of the casemates, was accidentally blown up. By the explosion 70 persons were killed and 46 injured- all inhabitants of the town.

The people, according to the dispatch, believe that the accident was due to a British attack plot as one version has it. A news agency report from Amsterdam says the explosion is believed to have been the result of a British air raid. In a dispatch dealing with the British naval operations off the coast of Belgium, Vice Admiral R H S Bacon, commander of the Dover Patrol, says concerted actions of considerable magnitude were carried out on six occasions and on eight other days there were attacks on a smaller scale.

The British vessels inflicted serious loss on the enemy who had one torpedo boat and two submarines sunk, three military factories destroyed and suffered damage to numerous works. Their casualties were considerable.