CHOIR: Living up to their motto ‘making music making friends’ the City of Newport Male Choir gave two well received performances at the Caerleon Festival in the main field and at the Hanbury Arms. 

Both performances followed the same format, and despite being outdoors and a few choristers down in numbers, the choir sounded great. 

All credit to musical director Fiona Bryant and accompanist Barbara Davies who both coped admirably despite the occasional swirling wind ruffling their music sheets. 

In one of the most surreal moments in the choirs history, just prior to starting their set in the field, the choir were approached by three ancient members of the Silurian tribe in full battle dress. 

The Silurians sang happy birthday in welsh choir secretary Elwyn Jones. 

What made the incident really surreal was the fact that these two thousand years old tribesmen looked considerably younger than the average chorister. 

On that note, like a good wine, age is improving the sound of the choir. 

Like all other male voice choirs across the country, more voices are needed, and in particular more younger voices. 

Why not just come along to a practice session and bring a friend. No experience is necessary and a warm welcome awaits you. 

For further details contact the choir chairman Eric Jones for details on 01633 673427. 

(Allan Morris)