GWENT Police launched a campaign to cut the number of burglaries they deal with yesterday.

At a show home on the new Redrow Mon Bank housing estate in Newport, officers displayed common mistakes people make which leave their homes as easy prey for burglars.

Sergeant Colin Thomas, from Gwent Police’s community support department, said 34 per cent of all burglaries in the region are classed as “preventable” and could be stopped if simple steps were taken, like making sure front doors are locked and ensuring valuable items are not on display.

He said: “Over a third of house burglaries are through insecurity and they are entirely preventable.”

He asked people to keep their valuable items safe and away from where possible burglars might be encouraged to take a quick chance at stealing them.

His tips include keeping front doors locked, and ensuring keys and other valuables are kept where burglars might not be able to quickly snatch them without being noticed by householders.

And the detective inspector for Torfaen Alun Davies said: “If people took a little time to guard their possessions we believe we would see fewer crimes.”

As part of the campaign officers will deliver leaflets in neighbourhoods where there have been burglaries over the summer. The leaflets are designed to look like invitations to make residents think twice about keeping their homes and valuables secure.