A NATO conference is due to take place at the Celtic Manor in the autumn of 2014. For the second time in four years, Newport will have the opportunity to present itself to the world. The last time was the Ryder Cup in 2010. This event was a great success for Sir Terry Mathews (and his Celtic Manor Resort), the European golf team, and less so for the City of Newport.

In 2011, the remains of a Romano-British residential area, and a Roman docks, were discovered at Caerleon. It would be interesting to learn whether any application has been made to obtain World Heritage status.

Obtaining World Heritage status for Caerleon would benefit the whole of Gwent, including the Celtic Manor Resort. The status would attract many tourists from all over the world. The legend of King Arthur strongly persists through books and ‘Hollywood-type movies’ (which, unfortunately, tend to be extraordinary, historically and geographically inaccurate).

However, whether the legend is true or not, the historic association with Caerleon is little known outside Wales and the UK. Gwent has an ancient history that is closely on par with London and York. World Heritage status would help establish this claim.

Brian Hayes, Clearwell Court, Bassaleg