I READ of the excellent plan to supply schools with automatic electric defibrillators (AED). Throughout Herefordshire we have public-access AED’s available in public buildings and central points in many villages.

They are simple to use even without prior knowledge.

When an emergency call is made to West Midlands Ambulance Service you are given the code to open the cabinet of the AED and thereby save vital minutes before professional help arrives.

All our school children are given two-hour instruction on basic life support methods and techniques.

This teaches them to put people into the unconscious position and perform chest compression and rescue breaths.

Also how to treat choking and what to do for severe bleeding.

This has saved life several times. Last summer an eight-year-old saved her young brother when he swallowed a coin which blocked his airway.

Well done the people who are co-ordinating this excellent project which is so simple to use as the AED machines instruct verbally how to use them as soon as they are switched on and have the potential to save many lives.

Jane Matthews Poplar Road Herefordshire