A REPLY to Walt Jackson, no I never suffered under Nazi bombing but my family did.

A 91 year-old woman was drying toilet paper on the radiator and eating just two boiled potatoes a day because she was so desperately short of money.

The unnamed widow who lives in a Swansea council flat and has a number of health issues was visited by staff from her local Age Cymru charity where they found her re-using the toilet paper.

Her friends would peel potatoes and put them in a saucepan and each day she would take one or two and boil them for a meal.

Life on a low income is being launched today at the National Assembly for Wales, with findings that 84,000 older people in Wales live in poverty.

Just under 50,000 older people in Wales live in severe poverty on £183.50 per week or less, 200,000 older people report cutting back on food, heating, and social activities for financial reasons and 42,000 of older people report getting into debt in recent years.

Pensioners like this lady lived with Nazi bombing and this is her and other payment for the sacrifice. Both Labour and Tory governments failed our pensioners and children.

Andrew Nutt Heolddu Road Bargoed