Ed Miliband promise to increase the minimum wage to £8 an hour by 2020 – a step in the right direction and will be welcomed by millions of low paid workers.

Cameron and his cabal of millionaires could not wait to reduce the taxes of the rich by £150k a year, while millions of ordinary people are now £1,600 a year worse off due to the Tories failed austerity plan, a plan that delivered record government borrowing and failed to eliminate the deficit as promised by Mr Osborne.

Every year under this Tory government has resulted in wages falling further and further behind the cost of living and a rise in claims for in work benefits, which are costing the taxpayer billions of pounds a year.

A rise in the minimum wage will reduce the welfare bill and help lift people out of poverty, however it is clear the Tories are content to keep millions of people in poverty and clamming in work benefits which act as a subsidy to companies which often pay very little tax.

Cameron is soaking the rich and punishing the poor, all at the taxpayer’s expense.

Nigel Dix, Montclaire Avenue, Blackwood