TORFAEN Council’s adherence to the failed doctrine of capitalist neo-liberalism and its ideologically driven austerity programme reveals either their total economic ignorance or contempt for the good people of the borough.

Or possibly both! As Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman has stated, “The drive for austerity was about using the crisis, not solving it, it still is”.

Indeed, corporate and political elites, rather than learning from the crisis caused by the banks and financial institutions, are using it as a pretext to deepen neo-liberalism. They will do this by privatising public services further, byrolling back the welfare state and by attacking workers’ wages and conditions. Cuts will also be made to regulations to protect the environment. Also a global elite can make even more profit! And Torfaen Council’s response to the biggest rip-off in history? Please attend meetings to tell us what services you want cut!

Total madness! Does a pig cut its own throat?

Terry Banfield, Cardigan Crescent, Cwmbran