I AM sorry that Mrs M Stock finds my letter stupid.
I am also sorry she failed to discern that I was writing in jest as were others.
I am also 80 years old and share the same memories. She forgot to mention that we paid 1d to cross on the gondola to play in Coronation Park.
I came to this country in 1945 at the age of 10 and lived for a time in Lewis Street.
I was overwhelmed by the bridge and well remember how busy the docks were.
Folk used to be allowed to walk through the docks to watch ships coming in and leaving. They brought their children which made for an exciting and harmless excursion for them.
Then we joined the Common Market and the rule book came into operation for no sensible reason that I could see, and people were deprived of something that had been part of their heritage. They were no longer allowed into the docks.
We might ask the question, how stupid is that?
Tom McCarthy
Gaer Park Parade