I NOTE that many Chief Constables are complaining of a shortage of officers yet the police in Suffolk appear to employ officers as ‘integrated offender manager’, a job that should be carried out by the Probation Service who are trained in such work.’
I hope that the Welsh Forces are not following such a path and Chief Constables are fully aware of their role in protecting the public and not acting as some quasi social service entity employing officers and staff in roles that they are neither trained for or the Public expect them to perform.
It’s a lot harder to deal with crime than drink tea with the ex-convicts. The young police woman in Suffolk had more than tea and has now lost her job.
A sad story all round – but as they always say ‘lessons will be learned’ but they never are and never will be until some of the senior people who set up such idiotic projects purely to enhance their own reputation are sacked.

Mark Waters