THE letter of Sue Boucher (Argus, January 20) – it really was nauseating, was it not? If the content of the letter is a representation of the author’s personality, then it is easily understood that she is a Ukip candidate.
The fate of the British steel industry was sealed when it became uncompetitive – long before Britain’s entry into the European Union. 
Neither the Chinese nor Indians are responsible for its failure. 
The European Union’s policies had as little to do with what befell this industry as they had to do with the fate of any of the other enormous former nationalised industries that have failed over the last three decades. Its demise was inevitable. 
This repugnant organisation’s vulgar classless attempt to exploit the troubles of those affected ought to serve as ample evidence of why it ought never to be allowed to have authority over this nation’s affairs, and why you would suffer quite extraordinarily, were you to be so foolish as to allow it to have authority over you.

R Chahandrahdas
Commercial Street