I  WOULD like to thank the members of the Jamia mosque for the kindness and hospitality they gave to me and my 98-year-old aunt when we visited their open day last Sunday. 
This was part of the ‘visit my mosque’ initiative organised by the Muslim Council of Wales with the aims of “breaking down barriers and strengthening community relationships.” 
More than 100 mosques took part throughout Wales. 
On arrival at the mosque in Commercial Road we were greeted by sincere young people who explained the relevance of their religious artefacts and how the mosque functioned. 
The event was very well attended by people from across the community and one couldn’t help feeling the tremendous atmosphere of warmth and kindness.
Although a life long Christian and regular church-goer, my aunt was delighted with a translation of the Koran given to her, especially as they had written her name in Arabic on the front piece. 
As we left Ms Fozia Rafiq presented my aunt with a bunch of roses saying she had been trying to see the lady who was 98 but didn’t spot my auntie as she looked too young.
I was overwhelmed by the kindness of the Jamia mosque and would urge everyone to visit on their next open day. 

Cllr Charles Jerris
Fields Park Avenue