THE Farmers Unions of England, Wales and Scotland have come out in favour of advising their members to vote “stay in “ in the EU referendum. 
Are these the same unions that cannot after forty years in the EU get a decent price for milk for their members? 
How stupid do the unions think their members are? 
“You can fool some of the members all of the time, and some of the members  some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the members ALL of the time!” 
As we know Germany, the leader of the EU, wants to kill the Common Agricultural Policy because Germany does not need it, and it is bleeding Germany dry. 
French agriculture is a criminal farce, solely surviving on hand-outs. 
If you don’t believe me visit the Midi, twenty acre farms on the side of a mountain? 
So I say, to any farmer who fancies himself as a turkey, vote for Christmas, and stay in the EU. 

Ken Bowen