NOT for along time has there been a more disgraceful treacherous group of people in the history of Wales as some so-called Welsh people who have set up the Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party.
What other country in the world has such a sorry group people who want to abolish the elected government of their country and replace it with colonial rule? What manner of man are these quislings? 
They say nothing of the millions of pounds wasted on sending MPs and Lords to sit in Westminster, to do nothing that would not be better done in Cardiff Bay. 
All these MPs and Lords should be sacked now.
It is not the Welsh government that is a failure, it is the government in London that knows little or nothing about Wales and cares less. 
The Welsh people represent less than five percent of the population of the so called United Kingdom. 
We have no say or control over policies that effect Wales. London government governs in the interest of the fat cats and spivs in the City of London.
London government has destroyed our industries and communities. It is London government that must go.
The Senedd in Cardiff Bay is the voice of the people of Wales elected by the people of Wales.
I would urge all Welsh citizens to vote for parties that support independence for Wales and the end of London rule. 
The Abolish the Welsh Assembly Party should be abolished.

Keith Parry 
Preswylfa Street