IF WE Stick with the EU, I don’t believe we will keep our national identity or sovereign government in the medium and almost certainly not in the long term. There won’t be a place for it anymore – just local government and regional assemblies responding direct to an unelected dictator bureaucracy somewhere in central Europe. This is because virtually everything will be governed by European Parliament in Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg and wherever is chosen next. I don’t like to reflect on history, however, Count Bismark did create the Germany that we know today. It is a splendid country which I have visited several times and I love it. 
History also reflects German attempts for expansionism through two world wars. Now the EU seems to be trying to create a new Europe without war but also without the democratic will of all of its citizens – that’s where I fall out with it. The unelected bureaucrats seem to have been given too much power and need to be taken down a peg or two – don’t they? After all, who are they and who put them there? 
Power is a dangerous thing and I find that concerning. Too many EU decisions have been made on behalf of the British people without their consent. That is why I wish to see Great Britain reunited in its own journey for the future. And out of the EU. 

Graham Miller
Ukip member