AM I THE only reader to feel very uncomfortable with the “secretive methods to detect potential crime” as quoted in this newspaper, used by Torfaen Council (04/04/16). 
This article informs us that TCBC “extracts information” using “covert human intelligence sources” and the seeking of “private information about a person”.
The legislation that allows a council to carry out such “investigations” is the Regulations of Investigatory powers act 2000 (RIPA) brought in by Labour. 
How is it that a council feels the need in a time of so called austerity to carry out such intrusive investigations? 
Who are the council officers permitted to carry out investigations, and to whom are they answerable? 
What training, oversight do they have? 
Why is a council using public money to carry out these investigations? 
Are the investigation of criminal/potential criminal acts not the remit of the police?
As an ex-military person with an intelligence background, I feel more than qualified to comment on this. 
The language of “covert human intelligence sources”, “extracting information”, “direct surveillance” etc, is straight out of the UK Land Forces (Int Corps) publication on intelligence gathering and agent handling.
That a council can be authorised to carry out such action is truly shocking. 

Jonathan Williams
UKIP Member