HOW has the EU made a difference to Wales and the country since Conservative rule began in 2010?
Our prisons are in turmoil, our laws are no longer our laws and we are governed by too many human rights issues.
Our NHS is under constant pressure, our borders are not secure and we are still in recession. 
On top of this our schools are fast becoming more problematic and financial borrowing is ever more increasing. 
Being a member of the EU hasn’t and will not change a thing. 
What will change for the better in Wales and the country if we were to remain in the EU? 
Will it create a change to all of the above? I don’t think so. 
Mr Cameron talks the talk but what was he doing in Europe negotiating deals with the EU before a referendum?
Why are President Obama, Mark Carney, and the BBC, fighting his corner?
Come on Mr Cameron walk the walk. Make Wales and the UK what it should be, great.

Dave Hassell 