WE ARE all worried about an uncontrolled flood of illegal immigrants. However Brexit states that staying in the EU will increase the number of illegal immigrants numbers entering the UK. In fact, if we leave the EU, the situation will become much worse. At the moment France suffers from large camps of immigrants on their Channel coastline and they do a good job stopping illegal immigrants attempting to board the trains through the Channel Tunnel etc. However if we leave the EU France has said that these camps will have to be on the UK side of the Channel and they will no longer spend the considerable amount of time and money policing these camps. All immigrants will be free to travel to the UK and the immigration responsibility will rest within the UK. 
So by leaving the EU we will worsen the situation of trying to halt illegal immigrants flooding into the UK. Please ask a Brexit promoter where these camps will be placed in the UK. You will probably get a “Boris” (Quick change of subject) for an answer. Do not let Brexit frighten you about the entry of Turkey into the EU. The UK has a veto and can prevent any country joining the EU. If Turkish citizens get unrestricted travel within the EU this does not affect the UK as we are not Party to the Schengen Agreement, (visa-free travel within the EU). If we leave, “then see above.” Brexit are telling lies, hoping to frighten you into voting for them. (Shoddy)

John Pimley
New Inn