MAY I appeal to all ex service men, regular and national service, like myself, to all vote to exit the EU, to ensure that the country we served to protect is restored to an independent country, governed by its own people. It is my opinion that this organisation was foisted upon the British public by deceit, the true intention only being revealed at a very late stage when Jacques Delores boasted of all the ideas he and fellow civil servants would impose on member states. Once the UK was a member of the EFTA, a cooperative in free trade, I and most others fully supported this. 
It is my belief that the Common Market growing into the EU was pushed on Europe by the USA. The object was to diminish the standing of the UK in the world. I deduced this aim from various actions around the world including Suez. There may be a place in the governance of Europe for a looser EU but it should be one eighth of the size of the present organisation, or even less, meeting in one building. 
The only sure way to force change on the EU would be for the UK to withdraw, cease all payments and leave, it is my opinion, sadly that PM Cameron has been misled by the German chancellor and leading officials of the EU. 
I ask one question to aid your decision on how to vote in this referendum, would you place your entire life savings into a company whose accounts were never signed off.

Duncan Hobbs