TRYING to remove Jeremy Corbyn is not stabbing him in the back. Anybody who has any interest in politics would realise he is incapable of taking on anyone leading the government either in or out of the House of Commons. He has neither the intellect, intelligence or charisma. If a man with oratory skills of Michael Foot could not make any headway the old style losing policies of the past then Corbyn has no hope. A number of his policies are are common across the party but you have to be creditable and whilst he might be appealing to the collection of greens, idealists and far left who have infiltrated the party this will not make the party electable in the near future. Common sense tells you that if the parliamentary party which covers all extremes of left and right cannot work with him then something is not right. Whilst the written media is generally against the Labour party, to suggest that the BBC is, is nonsense. People need to wake up and realise if things carry on in the way that they are then the Scots Nats will be the main opposition and more and more natural Labour voters will switch to Ukip. Mr Corbyn may be sincere in his beliefs but he would be better off forming a new party with his new energised support and see what the electorate make of them before the Labour party disintegrates.

Stanley Noble
Heather Court
Ty - Canol