FIRST I have no objection to my taxes, local or national being spent on genuine people in need, British or not.
Regarding Peter Strong’s letter – The Allied Forces of both World Wars, wore their country’s uniform, picked up guns and went to fight those who would steal their lands, homes and murder their kith and kin. 
Most, “job done”, went home to rebuild, some, as the East Europeans I knew when serving, could not go home.
I know a few “refugees” in Newport, I see the pictures of “refugees” at our borders and on very unsafe sea craft. 
I feel pity and concern for most. I also think, why are there so many of “military age”?
From interviews on TV with “refugees” two answers have stuck in my mind. 
“I will die trying to get into Britain” but not to save his home land?
“I had to leave my wife and children behind to get here.” 
He was safe, but they?
This was not the attitude of Allied troops in either war. 
That, in my mind is the difference.

Peter Walters 