I REFER to the letter “Devolving policing power to Wales” from Mr Andrew Nutt published on 17 August.
Mr Nutt states correctly that I have warned that 50% of the policing budget for Gwent could be raised locally by 2021 if the UK government’s funding cuts continue. It’s worth mentioning that this is the case already in some police areas across England and Wales. I understand that nobody wants to pay more, whether it’s council tax or the police precept. However, we are between a rock and a hard place and if the UK government continues to reduce the central grant to us then we have little choice other than to turn to the local population for that input. I’m sure that the citizens of Gwent want a police service that provides public re-assurance and crime-solving capacity fit for the 21st century. That police service must receive an acceptable level of funding to maintain that standard. Once I have clarity from the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement I will be in a position to decide what, if anything, I need to do about raising more money locally. There will, of course, be consultation with the people of Gwent once I have that information. Mr Nutt calls for the devolution of policing to the Welsh Government. I support that call provided that adequate funding comes to the Welsh Government from Whitehall. In the event of the devolution of policing it will be for the Welsh Government to decide on its model for the supervision of the police. They might retain PCCs or they might adopt a different approach.

Jeff Cuthbert
Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent