PERHAPS Mr Stafford’s amazement at myself listening to a Christian sermon (‘Radio sermons’, Argus letters, Friday, September 9) is because he does not realise that it’s always wise to understand a subject before commenting upon it.
Given the avalanche of Christian tracts churned out daily which contain the central tenet of the faith, which is “love Jesus or burn in hell” (John 15.6), I think Mr Stafford is actually very wrong in his claim that Christians don’t use sinful ploys.
One example of Christian love was the Pope’s recent decision not to allow pregnant women to have abortions when they were diagnosed with the Zika virus, thus forcing them, through faith, to give birth to deformed babies!
Isis’s sadistic treatment of captured women (rape, murder and the forced marriage of virgins) was also commanded by the God of the Bible.
Not surprising given that misogyny is fundamental to the basic writings of Christianity.

Terry Banfield
Cardigan Crescent