IT IS INSPIRING and encouraging to at last see Newport City Business people standing up and speaking up(Argus 5.10.16),including Mr.John Newell M.D. of Kingston Newell Estate Agents, pointing out that Newport City still needs more to be done and “we still have a long way to go to truly achieve our potential”.
Will the mocking Newport Labour supporters and Paul Flynn Labour MP accuse Mr.Newell of “moaning”and “misery mongering?”
As I walked from the Indoor Market into High Street (Tuesday 4.10.16), a group of six Chinese tourists appeared heading for Commercial Street – they could have been Business People and prospective investors. 
Hopefully, they did not notice the disgusting state of our pavements with dirt and pigeons’ mess deposited at the rear entrance and front Market entrance! 
A Newport City (anonymous) Council spokesman (Argus 8.10.16) tells us that “proposals being put forward include the possibility of £30,000 used to offer grants of up to £6,000 towards the cost of setting-up a retail business in Commercial Street and High Street etc.”
Will this proposal include regular cleaning of these badly neglected City streets and paved areas? 

Brian J.Donovan
Darlington Court