FOR a member of Parliament, Chris Evans (MP for Islwyn) seems to be shockingly naïve. (SWA, February 6). 
In regard to a trade deal between Britain and the USA, he says, “It remains to be seen whether he (Donald Trump) is as good as his word but let’s hope so.”
Given the disaster that Brexit is going to be we need something more than “hope”, Mr. Evans, and Donald Trump has already made it clear that for him it’s America first. Certainly Mr Trump has promised that “Britain will be at the front of the queue...” but that only means we will be the first to be eaten.
Any trade deal with the USA will mean that we will have to accept their lower standards of food safety and their lower environmental standards.
We will almost certainly have to accept some form of Investor State Dispute Settlement under which private companies could sue the UK Government in secret courts over alleged acts of unfair discrimination in trade. Even worse, the huge size of American farms, and their consequent lower costs could destroy UK agriculture.
It is easy to criticise an existing institution like the European Union. 
We have had decades of experience of it and its faults are clear to see. But what no one can do is prove that any likely alternative would be any better. 
It will be “out of the frying pan, into the fire!”

Clive Shakesheff
Lewis Way