SO, WE CRITICISE countries such as Iran whose elections cannot challenge the authority of the supreme leader while we are quite satisfied with a managed democracy in which we cannot challenge the power of capital.

We too have unquestionable elites who are hidden from public scrutiny by the British state.

Start by asking ourselves the kind of democracy we want, we are led to believe that it is legitimate for a government to be returned with a mandate of only 24 per cent of the electorate, an intensely concentrated “free press” and a BBC easily bullied into compliance. 

We have a corrupt political donations system which buys influence, we have unelected legislators and an unelected head of state, draconian anti-democratic laws and anti-union legislation stifling dissent in civil society. 

For these reasons it is very difficult to challenge state and corporate interests...totalitarian? No, not quite...managed democracy...yes!  

Young people especially are now seeing their aspirations come up against the limits of liberal “democracy”.

Mr T King 
Five Locks Road 