WITH all the talk and fears of a soft or hard Brexit and political posturing from our leaders, we have all been treated to a mix of lies and half truths. 

What we do know is that one party leader has a record of voting against the EU going back to the nineteen seventies. Voting to leave the EU in the 1975 referendum, voted against the Lisbon treaty, blamed the EU for gross human rights abuse in Western Sahara and called the EU a bureaucracy that is unaccountable to anybody. Wrote that the EU project has always been to create a huge free market with ever limiting powers for national parliaments. 

At the last election this leader presented the country with a manifesto to re-introduce state ownership of industry, which is against EU single market rules and recently sacked three front bench MPs for supporting a soft Brexit. The party leader in question is none other Mr Corbyn.

Those hoping that Jeremy will deliver a soft Brexit need to think again, as he has never believed in the EU and needs a hard Brexit in order to re-introduce state ownership.

Cllr Nigel Dix 
Montclaire Avenue 