WHAT a lead-up to Christmas with two adventurous ideas from the Welsh assembly! 

An independent report on how the assembly should be run in the future, and another bright plan to drive business here, in the Cardiff city region. 
Both I assume are open to comment, so here goes.

By far the most controversial is the way the assembly operates, which includes two controversial issues - voting for 16 year olds, and the addition of up to 30 more AMs. 

16 seems a little young to vote but I guess it is Labours way of perhaps ensuring their control is safe as the young may be more attracted to socialism. You never know? 

Another 30 AM’s is frightening! Imagine the cost? 

Together with costs of offices, travel, staff etc they will provide well-paid sinecures for many in the Twiglet Zone. 

How in heavens can 30 more be justified for such a small nation as Wales is beyond me. 

Surely, given the many present tiers of governance we have enough AMs to cope.

Now, this city region is more ambitious. As a start they are appointing a boss at over £100k. 

All very well but I expect he will need staff, an office, expenses and of course travel, home and abroad. 

Sounds like a growth market for jobs in this area, without encouraging new jobs outside the assembly. 

And I also notice there will be a cabinet made up of councillors from the 10 councils involved.

I too assume that they will be paid extra for this duty and if so, how much?

It sure will be a Happy New Year for the public sector in Wales and I hope the cost of these two proposals will dampen down the continual bleating that it is the Tory government not giving enough money to local services.

Jim Dyer
Stockton Road