FOR many years I have had the opinion that the legal system in this country can only be described as farcical.

We now have the laughable situation, if it wasn’t so serious, of the vile sex crimes carried out by John Worboys on dozens of women where he has received £166,000 in legal aid.

When, for gods sake is this country going to put right what has been ignored for many, many years, and that is making the guilty, like John Worboys pay fully for the crimes they commit.

I would like to offer my services in giving John Worboys the judgement he deserves.

But we would probably have many saying his human rights have been ignored, when may I ask was the women’s human rights when they were so seriously abused?

I know I speak for many that are of the same opinion as myself, in requesting he be made to remain in prison for the rest of his life for his abhorrent crimes. 

Ken Holder
Hill Street