HAVING been fortunate enough to attend the Viva Vegan Festival at Cardiff City Hall on Saturday, I have to say how impressed I was with the organisation of the whole day and of the shear numbers attending - surely in the thousands! 

The talks given were most informative and, with science to back them up, de-bunked many of the myths regarding meat versus plant-based diets. 

One of the talks included short videos of factory farms showing the horrors of what is involved in 90% of our meat production, - and just with plain talking, no sensationalism. 

And all the barbaric practices shown were legal! I can’t imagine anyone, once having seen these, being able to turn a blind-eye to what is carried out behind closed doors just to please our palates. 

And the UK apparently ranks higher than most in animal welfare standards.  

I would urge anyone who wants to reduce animal suffering and get healthy, to visit the Viva website and take a look. 

Going vegan is much easier than when I first embarked on the journey. 
And there are so many good recipes, both online and in books. 

With so many young people becoming vegan it cannot be long, I feel, before (at least in the UK and US) it becomes the norm and meat eating is frowned upon. 

I long for the day when meat-eating is outlawed altogether, when we have learned to treat animals as our co-habitants/friends, not a commodity for our consumption.

Nick Fisher
Prospect Street