IT IS IMPORTANT to save our heritage and green fields here behind the Current Grove Park Development opposite Beaumaris Way in Blackwood. 

Questions have been raised in detail following the public meeting in the Autumn with over 70 members of the public attending.

1. Detailed queries on the traffic flows, and amended traffic assessments which are being evaluated by Planning and Highways Officers on the various roads in and around the site have been submitted for the proposed 300 houses by Persimmon. 

2.  Questions to Welsh Water, Planning and Persimmons on the flows and capacity of sewers at the locations with a number of detailed questions. 
Residents can be of our total support in protecting these areas, and we will try our utmost, and the publics support is appreciated. 

We shall communicate any developments in due course. 

Kevin Etheridge 
Andrew Farina-Child’s 
Blackwood Ward 