Cross Ash WI meets in Cross Ash Hall at 7.00pm on the second Wednesday of the month. Last Wednesday evening it was Guest Night which meant that invitations were extended to members of other WIs to join Cross Ash for the evening. All Cross Ash members contributed to the splendid supper. There was a table laden with plants and books and bric a brac and this stall did a roaring trade. There was also an excellent raffle. But the best part of the evening was the speaker. Mrs. Sandra Soanes brought a large suitcase of what might be called bygones'. She set these out on a table and when everyone was ready, she took up one item at a time, told us a bit about it and then passed it round, all the time inviting comments and memories. There was a silk parachute, Various items danced in front of our eyes, reminders of long ago washing days when the day started early. Water was carried to the boiler. The boiler was fired by coal or wood or gas. There was dolly blue to make things look whiter than white. Another area explored was the kitchen - with wartime recipes. There were glove stretchers; wintergreen ointments, collar studs and collars, a bowler hat It was fascinating and led to lots of discussion. Mrs.Soanes has now assembled four suitcases full of mementoes of the past. The evening finished with a flourish - supper then raffle then a heartfelt thank you to Cross Ash for a lovely evening,